Belinda, 28 years of age, is a resident of Makindye, a suburb in Kampala and a single mother of 2 children was struggling to support her family from her meagre earnings from doing odd jobs like vending clothes. Belinda decided to pursue a career in agriculture. Rather than investing her capital into another venture without research and enough knowledge, she decided to enroll with us under the Skilling of youth program.
Belinda says, the training equipped her with not only the required knowledge and skills to pursue agribusiness, but also created excitement in her that came with seeing the fruits of her labour.
She registered and launched her purple fruits company soon after leaving Agromax which is currently in operation and growing. She supplies over 500 kgs of fresh vegetables and fruits every week and is currently earning a modest income. She says,’’ with what I earn, am in better position to take care of myself and my two children’’.